Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bangalore,my first love!

I've been living in Bangalore for more than half my life and I just love the bustling madness that it is! A true Bangalorean and Kannadiga at heart,I decided this would be the theme for my new nail art! =D

Anybody who's lived here long enough (and even people who haven't) knows the famous catchphrase "Swalpa adjust maadi!" (Adjust a little,is the best translation I could think of) . Any problem,just smile and nod and say swalpa adjust maadi and you might just get your way!
And the legendary by 2 coffee that we Bangaloreans are so used to ordering. Is there anywhere else in the world you can do this? I seriously doubt it.
The rush hour traffic with the crazy autos,cows in the middle of the street,vendors selling yummy chaats on the street. Yes,we have our own fair share of problems but its all worth it when I see the direction that Namma Bengaluru is progressing in with the metro work and all the new buildings and towers coming up-thats why I had to add the UB city building into my nail art!

Bangalore theme nail art black and yellow

Monday, January 21, 2013

It's all serious business!

Hey there everyone!
Thanks for all the pageviews! I just hit a 1500! :D

I was at my regular salon recently,and I was asked if I would be willing to be paid to do nail art. Turns out the lady over there spoke about my nail art to one of her other clients and they wanted some art for themselves!
That sort of gave me the "smack on the bum"  i needed to turn my hobby into a more lucrative deal!

So I have a facebook page now! Make sure to like,comment and share! =)

Friday, January 18, 2013

L'Oreal Paris Colour Riche 3D nail stickers

So finally (FINALLY!) we have nail art stickers on the shelves in the Indian market too. I wonder what took so long?
L'Oreal has come out with their first set. The stickers are really not the kind I like much,but atleast we have options now and hopefully this will open the market to other companies like Sally Hansen to set up shop in India too!

Here's a look at some of the new designs from L'Oreal.

L'Oreal color riche 3D nail art stickers India

L'Oreal color riche 3D nail art stickers India

Friday, November 2, 2012


Halloween is such a fun time of the year! No one is ever too old to play dress up and have fun and be crazy for a day! Nail art for this time of the year is so much fun to do,and can be done with very basic shapes and designs that barely take any time!
Like before,I decided to make life easier by using a white-ink pen to draw on my nails!

Orange and black halloween nail art

Of surfs and seashells!

I recently went on vacation to Goa,a beautiful beach destination here in India! And I think this design best reflects the fun of beach vacations! :D Its a pity though that my pesky little brother deleted all the better pictures I had of this design leaving me with just this one!

Goa beach vacation nail art

Monday, August 20, 2012

Starry nights...

I was having quite a boring day and I was literally staring out of the window at the night sky and my thoughts went to Van Gogh's starry nights painting and I felt I just HAD to try it on my nails!

Use a robin blue coloured nail polish as the base and don't let it dry before adding the patches of white and yellow nailpolish on it.
I added the black flame-like detail only on my ring-finger. You can make Van Gogh's signature strokes with a pin or a toothpick (the safer option) just to give that real Van Gogh effect. Try doing this before the different layers of pain dry so you end up getting a few light blue tones as well.
Cover it up with a coat of clear nail polish to seal in your design as well as to give it a smooth-ish texture!

Blue nailpolish,Van Gogh,painting,nail art

These are the shades of blue and yellow that I used. They look quite amazing together don't they?

Friday, August 10, 2012

He loves me,he loves me not...

I'm sure everyone of us has been in this dilemma atleast once in our lives,if not more. And of course we all know the cliched lovesick person plucking out flower petals trying to decide based on pure luck or the Fibonacci sequence,whether the object of their affection does love them or not!
Either way here it is,on my nails! =)

I used the end of an unbent paper clip as a dotting tool and got a little sneaky by using a normal white-ink pen to make the petals.  If you cover it with a top coat,the pen ink does not crack or get wiped off! =D
For the green stem,I used my striper brush.

Love,Loves me,Loves me not,light blue,aqua,daisy,flower