I was having quite a boring day and I was literally staring out of the window at the night sky and my thoughts went to Van Gogh's starry nights painting and I felt I just HAD to try it on my nails!
Use a robin blue coloured nail polish as the base and don't let it dry before adding the patches of white and yellow nailpolish on it.
I added the black flame-like detail only on my ring-finger. You can make Van Gogh's signature strokes with a pin or a toothpick (the safer option) just to give that real Van Gogh effect. Try doing this before the different layers of pain dry so you end up getting a few light blue tones as well.
Cover it up with a coat of clear nail polish to seal in your design as well as to give it a smooth-ish texture!
These are the shades of blue and yellow that I used. They look quite amazing together don't they?